Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lord, Speak to Me

What a Great evening! We gathered together at the Central building last night to listen to New Reign, seven very talented young people who travel the country promoting Oklahoma Christian University by lifting their voices and hearts to God. Afterwards there was a time of fellowship (and of course, food) which culminated in a trip to the theater to watch the new movie, “Evan Almighty”, a good, clean, family film. The premise behind the movie is that God appears to Evan and asks him to build an ark – in the middle of one of Washington DC’s upscale developments. At first Evan is somewhat reluctant, but through a series of events, is convinced that this really is God who has spoken to him. I’ve heard folks say that God has “called” them to do certain things, but…WOW!

Throughout the film, I wondered just what would happen if God appeared to me and asked me to perform some seemingly outlandish act. Would I believe that He was really God? Would I be reluctant to take on the task and risk being ridiculed and ostracized by family and friends? Would I be embarrassed and ashamed to announce to everyone that God spoke to me and to relay His message? OR, would I be thrilled that God had chosen me to be His ambassador? Would I proudly stand before the world and proclaim the Word of God? Would I gladly forfeit my job, my dignity, my status to carry out God’s will? Would I boldly go where no one has gone before? (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)

I like to think that I would be willing to do whatever God asked of me, but I thank God that he doesn’t ask such extraordinary things of us today like building an ark, being cast into a fiery furnace or a den of lions, or conquering a giant in battle. Then again, when God does “speak” to me, am I willing to listen and obey? He asks such simple things of us…to live a life worthy of His calling (Ephesians 4:1); to love Him with all I have and to love my neighbor; to be devoted to my fellow Christians (Romans 12:10); to be kind and compassionate and forgiving (Ephesians 4:32); to be encouraging (Hebrews 3:13), peaceful (1 Peter 3:8), humble (Philippians 2), and serving (John 13); and to tell others (Matthew 28).

If God asks so little of me, why do I have such a hard time stepping up to the plate? I pray each day for God to give me the courage to commit my life, my speech, and my actions to Him.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)


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