Friday, July 08, 2005


I took an extra day off after vacation because I knew I would have to mow the lawn after a week and a half. We have a fairly good-sized yard due to being situated on the corner of a cul-de-sac and it takes about 2 hours just to mow, without the trimming. It was the perfect day as the rest of the family went to Worlds of Fun with the youth group. I got to be pretty hot that morning, and the humidity was very high, which made me sweat profusely. I knew that I needed to drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Seems funny that someone can become so water-deficient when there is so much moisture in the air. I took several breaks that day to drink water to quench my thirst and replenish the fluids my body needed to stay strong and healthy.

How often is our spiritual life dehydrated? We attend church or bible studies 2 or 3 or more times per week, we attend fellowship dinners, meet together for movies or games or other entertainment, we have 1 or more Christian radio stations in our towns, we email or instant message or call our brothers often; yet, our spiritual lives remain arid and parched. We wonder why we don’t get anything out of worship or class. We put on masks when we see our brothers or sisters so that they won’t know how we hurt or struggle. We battle with our sinful nature and try to fight off depression and unhappiness. We camouflage the hole in our souls instead of filling up the emptiness.

I urge you to drink deeply from the living water offered only by our Lord and Savior. John 4:10. Stuff yourself with the Bread of Life (John 6); bask in the Light of the world (John 9); pass freely through the Gate (John 10:9) and feel secure in the protection of the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14); diligently seek to follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6); cling firmly to the True Vine and abide in the nourishment He gives so that you can produce much sweet fruit (John 15:1-8); and glory and rejoice in the Resurrection (John 11:25) so that your emptiness may be filled with abundant Life! (John 10:10).


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