Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Lane's Birthday

Milestone: “An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.” The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

We reach many milestones in our lives, the most common of which are birthdays. Many fear birthdays…foreseeing themselves as another step closer to becoming feeble or useless or irrelevant. Others look forward to birthdays as a step closer to adulthood, independence, emancipation and self-reliance. Still others eagerly anticipate the presents.

Today is my son’s birthday. Lane Carlson Wheeler turns 11 today. He has awaited this day with enthusiasm. Several reminders of parties and presents have been spoken in the last couple of weeks. He has checked the mail every day for birthday cards. Today he catches most of his classmates and friends in age, although he has caught them in stature several years ago. Most of all, although he doesn’t realize it, he seeks validation each year around his birthday. It is a wondrous milestone in his life.

I, on the other hand, am ambivalent. Each year, I revel in my son’s youth. I love to watch his excitement and enthusiasm. I marvel at how his mind works: visualizing how his special day will unfold, testing the limits of his age by proudly proclaiming that he is now old enough to do certain things formerly forbidden, and keenly and logically examining and cross-examining family members, with the zeal of a skilled attorney, to uncover the nature and location of his presents. I watch each year as Lane grows in wisdom and stature and discernment. Yet, as I watch him grow and develop, I do not relish or look forward to the day when he will leave - a day which will come all too soon.

Lane is highly intelligent, and persuasive, and as the years pass, I see that I will soon be seeking his advice. Each year, I find that his counsel and logic are more and more worthy of consideration. As all 11 year olds do, he sometimes focuses intensely on things he wants, (as do many of us 42 year olds as well), but he is ALWAYS prepared to offer himself to others – instantly, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally.

Most of all, I am more and more proud of Lane each year for his increased love for God and his spiritual growth. Lane truly has the heart of a servant! Whether it is holding the door for an elderly person, holding the umbrella for others as they pass from their cars to the building, or offering to fix whatever is broken, Lane is ready and willing to serve. On days when he has to go to work with me (which he loves to do) I often find him helping the file clerks. Lane is the very definition of encouragement, always cheering on his teammates, always assisting the handicapped, and offering hugs to everyone, especially those who are sad or burdened. He empathizes with those who hurt and rejoices with others in their triumphs.

I see that Lane is quickly becoming a great man of God and will one day be a potent force in God’s kingdom. Thank you Lane for showing me how to love, how to be accepting of others, and how to be a servant!

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3


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