Thursday, October 27, 2005

Good Grief!

The favorite phrase of Lucy Van Pelt, all too frustrated with her good friend, Charlie Brown. I have often wondered if there really is such a thing as “good grief”.

According to The Shiva Foundation,, “grieving takes us to the very heart of life itself. Grieving takes us to love and to loss. We only grieve for that which we have loved and, the nature of life being transitory, love and loss are intimately connected…All of us experience some level of loss in our everyday lives, from apparently minor situations to major loss such as the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or a dream.”

I have experienced all of these types of grief in the past – the loss of a relationship, a job, a dream, and loved ones. No matter what the loss, it still hurts, and it still takes time to recover. And it never feels “good”.

I am currently in the process of grief, not because anyone has died, but because our good friends, and brother and sister in Christ, are moving. Jim Dubose is more than just a preacher. Over the last 8 years, Jim and Susie have been leaders, healers, counselors, confidants, examples and role models, teachers, encouragers, cheerleaders, ministers, and friends. There have been two men in my life that have made a significant impact on my character and my faith. The first was my youth minister while growing up, Grady King, and the second is my good friend and Christian brother, Jim DuBose. They will be sorely missed. Their absence will leave a hole in my life and in the lives of many in the congregation. Many will grieve, but the grieving will be good.

How, you might ask? Only one explanation will suffice…God is faithful in all things, and He has a plan! God has a plan for Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. God has a plan for Jim and Susie DuBose. God has a plan for Central Church of Christ. And God has a plan for me. Jim summed it up best when he said, “I belong to God and I must serve the master”. So any tears that are shed, should be tears of joy, not grief. Joy that Hot Springs Village will have such assets. Joy that we have gotten to experience God at work through such a wonderful family of servants. Joy that, although they will be miles away, they will be as close as a phone call, an email, or a short drive. Joy that God will bring another servant to Central to work in the lives of His children here and in the community in which we live. Joy that the DuBoses and God’s body at Central will grow from this experience.
Joy that God’s kingdom will prosper.
Joy that God’s grace is sufficient.
Jim and Susie, I love you guys and I will miss your presence.

Thank you Father for such servants of character, conviction, compassion, dedication, and love, as Jim, Susie, Ben, Emily, and Tim DuBose. Thank you for bringing them into our lives, for the examples they lived each and every day, for giving us a glimpse of You through their hearts. Thank you for the impact they have had on our lives and we thank You for the next servants you will bring our way. Please work in the lives and the ministry of the DuBose family and lift them up and encourage and strengthen them until we meet again. In the name of Your precious Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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