Monday, August 22, 2005

Sweet Sixteen

It happens only once in a lifetime. It is such a special age that authors write books about it, lyricists pen songs about it, magazine articles abound with advice, MTV has dedicated a special show to it, and there are professionals hired to plan the perfect parties. It seems to be the second most important (and often expensive) day in a young lady’s life. It is when children “come of age”, when girls become women, and that all important event in life when one can FINALLY get their driver’s license! It is the beginning of independence – a time when kids no longer rely on parents to be the taxi, when they can start a job and earn their own money, and they can even start dating. Today, Lavon Arlene Wheeler has reached this all-important milestone.

While this is an exciting time in Lavon’s life, it is bittersweet for me. As Lavon rushes headlong into all these new challenges, with gritty determination and youthful exuberance, I must resign myself to the fact that she is no longer “daddy’s little girl”. I don’t worry about Lavon, though. She is the most grounded young woman that I know. Sharp as a tack…bright, smart, and brainy…she is truly gifted in all areas of life. With stunning beauty and the voice of angel, it is the graciousness of her soul that shines the brightest. She is never want to lend her talents to the service of others, whether working with children, singing for funerals or weddings, or visiting the retirement homes with the teens. She is the unofficial social director of the youth group, often taking the initiative to organize a lock-in or other function, but always encouraging the kids to be there and to participate – all with the goal of drawing each and every one closer to God and closer to each other. While she wants to dedicate her life to medicine, her primary focus is devoting her life first to God.

So, Lavon, as you embark on this wondrous journey, I pray that God will guide your decisions and your purpose to continually utilize your talents for the benefit of others. I pray that He will guard your heart and protect your soul. I pray that He will provide for you a suitable mate, who will love you more than life itself and who will support you and who will be your partner on your heavenward journey. Most of all I pray that you will continue to grow in the grace and peace and favor of God.

I will miss my “little girl”, but I look forward to my time with the precious woman of God you are.



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