Friday, December 09, 2005

The Twelve Songs of Christmas

You've heard "The Twelve Days of Christmas" sung ad nauseum over the many years, and each year some reporter/columnist with too much time on their hands tries to figure out just exactly how many thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of dollars everything in the song costs for that year.
Well, as a famous conservative talk show host is want to say, "words mean something". So I will be compiling a list of 12 songs that epitomize the spirit of Christmas for me and elaborating on their significance to my faith walk. Thus I will not be "reviewing" the standard, popular, best loved secular Christmas songs - you might even see a few you may or may not have heard of.
Be watching starting December 14 for a song a day that I hope will make you stop and think about the real reason for the season - and ultimately the real reason and purpose for our very existence.


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