Sunday, May 15, 2005

Saying "Goodbye"

Today is a bittersweet event for the family of believers at the Central Church of Christ in Topeka, Kansas. Today we say goodbye to our youth minister of the last 6 years, Evan Burdan. Don't get me wrong, the Burdan's are not yet ready to receive the keys to the local retirement home, nor is the family, Evan, Tanya, Elias, Risa, and newborn fighter Owen, leaving Central for some far off destination to see what great adventures await, at least not yet. Evan and his family have decided to step down so that Evan can pursue his master's degree, which will prayerfully, someday, lead to the next great adventure in God's service.

Usually, I would take this time to say that we will miss their bright, smiling faces, their unselfish service, and caring counsel, but that really doesn't apply. You see, Central will be blessed to have the Burdan's around a while longer, as members - family members - because, even though Evan is officially "retired", you can't just retire from God's service. We will still get to experience Evan's enthusiastic worship leading style. They will still be available to teach various classes, maybe even together, possibly even one that does not have teenagers as students. We will still get to marvel at the melding of Canadian and Texan dialects (do they really mix?). And, yes, Evan's rubber waders and sunburned scalp may yet grace the pulpit once again. The Burdan's are still part of our family, and as family members, they will get to share in the joys, triumphs, sorrows, heartaches, and bonds that make us family.

It may be a tough transition. With Evan no longer the "go to" guy for our youngsters, it may be hard not to offer unsolicited advice, and even harder not to offer advice when asked. After all, old habits are hard to break, especially when the love for the youth runs so deep and when such strong bonds have been formed. It will be hard to say "no" to some of the requests that are made now that they no longer are full time ministers - after all, they have more time on their hands (especially Wednesday nights) - and it may take some time to find the right balance between "church work" and family. But I have every confidence that Evan and Tanya will transition quickly and will be able to weigh their priorities to utilize their talents and abilities to benefit the Central family and continue to be a powerful force for God in Topeka.

I for one, am glad that my brother and sister, my friends, will still be near. And though we may one day feel the sadness of these family members moving away to some new mission field, we can rejoice that they are only a phone call, letter, or email away, and that one day we can all be reunited in heaven forever.

"And friends are friends forever
If the lord's the lord of them
And a friend will not say never
cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends."
Friends by Michael W. Smith


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