Saturday, May 07, 2005

A Tribute to Mom

For this Sunday service, we video taped numerous kids of all ages telling the world why their mother is so special. I would like to write and tell you about my mom. She was a wonderful mother who stood strong while raising 8 kids. She had her share of a mother's suffering when she had 2 miscarriages and lost one son after only a few weeks. I loved my mom. But, perhaps I will write about her some other time.

Today, I would like to tell you about the most wonderful mother in the world! She loves her children more than life itself, and would give up anything for her children's safety, well being, happiness, and spiritual growth. You've heard kids say "my mom is always there for me". Well this is not just a figure of speech with this woman. She is literally THERE. She attends every choir, band, and orchestra concert and every play and musical - every single performance! She participates in every school activity humanly possible and even substitute teaches at the kids schools so that she can be more a part of their lives. Best of all, she attends every youth function at church that she can, just to be sure that all the kids there, hers or not, have more fun than a barrel of monkeys (although I never was sure exactly what that phrase means). Even now, though feeling worn out, having a tooth ache and a sore throat, she is helping her daughter sponsor and manage 25+ kids at an all night lock-in at church - and she still has to work all day tomorrow and attend 2 baseball games.

She is a pillar of strength and determination. She can't stand not having fun and always makes sure that everyone shares in the fun and fellowship. She dispenses sound, biblical and practical adivce like Pez, always at just the time it is needed, although the children may not want to hear it. (Don't you hate it when someone is always right?) She always has time for her friends and makes certain that their kids are treated like her own. She strives to include their children as well as her own, so that those children can have as much fun, and so that her children can develop those close bonds of friendship and family that will carry them through the rest of their lives. She gets to know her children's friends so that she can guide them to choose their friends wisely.

She is a master encourager. Even when the kids don't want to participate in some things, she prods them until then try out or audition, and the children always end up having the time of their lives. She continually puts the needs of the children above her own. She does not hesitate to stand up and fight for them when they have been unjustly treated, and she is just as quick to admonish and instruct them when necessary. She treats her kids with respect and unequivocally lets them know that they are loved and precious and that she is greatful to God for them.

Most of all, she makes my job as a father much easier. Thank you Heather, for being that Godly example to our children. May they forever arise and call you blessed.


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