Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What's In Your Wallet?

We’ve all heard, and laughed/rolled our eyes at, the commercial for Capital One credit cards. We remember the catch phrase, but, honestly, I had to look it up on the internet to remember which company sponsored the ads. But it raises an interesting question.

What is in your wallet? As I write this I am emptying the contents of my wallet to find out. I have a few restaurant discount cards (because I like to eat), my Sam’s Club card, a couple of business cards for professionals I need to keep in touch with (like my insurance agent, who, unfortunately knows me all too well), my debit card, a check I wrote to reimburse someone, which I have not yet delivered, my insurance cards, library card (like I really use that one), more discount cards (I told you I like to eat), a few (very few) bucks, my social security card, license, attorney bar cards, softball schedule (after all, we need to keep focused on what is important in life), and a few pictures of my kids. Just a couple of weeks ago, I emptied a bunch of receipts from my wallet because I felt like George Costanza on Seinfeld.

Because I don’t like having a thick wallet, I didn’t used to carry pictures. They tend to take up a lot of space and it made it uncomfortable to sit on my wallet - and tended to make my pants kind of tight. After all, I needed room for the 5 or 6 credit cards I carried. I even went out and bought a certain style of wallet so that I could carry the cards and they would be more accessible and convenient, and I took out the little plastic picture carriers. It wasn’t until I realized how much problems the credit cards were causing, and after I had watched too many of those Capital One commercials, that I got to thinking about what is truly important. If I were in an accident and I had to pull out my wallet, how would I want people to identify the kind of man I am? Should they see me as a big spender or a family man? It was then that I recognized that I didn’t have any pictures of my family. Shortly thereafter, I put the pictures back in my wallet. Now when someone asks about my family, I have the pictures to proudly display on a moment’s notice. I have always been proud of my family, and now I can prove it. If I want to thin out my wallet, maybe I should like to eat less.

I wonder if God has pictures of us in His wallet? He must have a REALLY thick one.


Blogger David Carriger said...

The best part of my wallet:

a 1978 picture of Debbie
and a picture of my boys when they were 5 years old.

12:50 PM  

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