Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Exactly one score and zero years ago (for those without beards and tall hats that is 20 years!) was one of the best and most memorable days of my life. Exactly 20 years ago, I married the most beautiful and most talented woman in the entire world. With the voice of an angel, the beauty of a goddess, the determination of a pioneer, all the fun of Bob Hope, the Ringling Brothers, and Walt Disney all wrapped into one, and a heart as big as Texas, my best friend agreed to become an inseparable part of me. Heather Jo Weber became Heather Jo Wheeler, and the journey of a lifetime began.

The first night I met Heather, her roommate and a high school friend of mine, introduced her to me and another high school chum, and we had a ball – or rather a Frisbee – of a time. Not only was she so beautiful, but she was full of life and vigor. As we got to know each other better, I found that I could sit and listen to her sing for hours on end (thus why I spent the better part of my college free time in the music department). She had an ear and an eye for beauty (what can I say?), looking beyond who a person was with a vision of what they could become. She could compose songs as well as sculpt snow angels. She was so outgoing, a trait I sorely lacked. She has never met a stranger and when we would venture around campus, it would take us forever to get anywhere because she knew absolutely everyone. She had a knack for leaving people better than she found them.

But more than her outward beauty and talent, I could see a heart and a love for God that overwhelmed me and drew me closer. An uncompromising and unwavering commitment to her Creator and Savior; a shining example of faith and purity.

To say that July 27, 1985, was one of the best days of my life is a bit misleading because each day with Heather gets better than the one before and I grow to love her more and more each day. Thanks for being my friend forever.

Happy Anniversary!


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